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Farkle Sparkle!

This video is about a multiplayer dice game I created as part of my Internship and Co-op at Scopely Inc.

This video contains a demo of the android game I created as part of my internship at Scopely.


  1. Gameboard Graphics

    • This is an interesting challenge because I had never worked on making 2d graphics and physics work on an Android phone. Also it was a challenge because in this game, the engine shouldn't capture the "whole" screen only a part of it, which is not true for most games.

  2. Understanding the company's server interactions without much documentation

  3. Keep code flexible so that the person who takes over the project has least friction understanding it

  4. Didn't use the company's already written basic structure for a multiplayer dice game so that I could undersatnd the process of creating the game and also make a more advanced version using external libraries for code enhancements.


What I learnt:

  1. Networking is a pain to implement and test correctly.

  2. Documentation is EXTREMELY important.

  3. Take short and frequent breaks between work sessions.

  4. Don't hesitate to spend more time designing code.


Work to do:

  1. In-App purchases

  2. User Interface resources

  3. Testing features

  4. Enable push notifications

  5. Gameboard combo-hint UI

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